As residents of Alcester, whether of long standing or fairly recent newcomers, undoubtedly one of your reasons for having settled in Alcester, and made it your home, is that you liked the look of the place, and felt it had something to offer you.
We, the members of Alcester Civic Society, all feel the same way about the town and its surroundings.
In introducing our Society to you we would like to tell you something of its aims and objectives.
Founded in 1962, our aim is the preservation and enhancement of all that is best in the buildings, traditions and amenities of the town of Alcester and its environs.
Very high ideals perhaps, but we believe that they are wholly necessary in our rapidly changing modern society.
Alcester Civic Society has the very best interests of the community of Alcester at heart. We actively welcome progress whilst at the same time we endeavour to ensure that this does not mean any loss of our rich heritage.
We try to be prominent in promoting constructive points of view on all aspects of planning, heritage and environmental issues; and we aim to bring our influence to bear whenever necessary on these vital matters, each of which affects the wellbeing of us all.
As a means of keeping in touch with members and sharing information the Society organises bi-monthly talks on topics of general interest with a ‘Civic’ bias.