Recurring Weekly Events
Events recurring every week are listed below by the day of the week on which they occur. These are published in good faith, but we suggest you check with the organiser/venue whether the event is running before attending.
Every Monday
CHAIR BASED EXERCISE CLASS, 10.00am – 11.00am. For those who prefer, or require, exercise to be seated. Ideal for those with mobility limitations and conditions or breathing challenges.
The Eric Payne Centre, (off St Faith’s Road), Alcester, B49 6AG. Tel: 07514 492468 for more information or email:
Every Tuesday
ALCESTER CAFÉ Supporting people with Dementia and their Carers. 10.30am – 12.30pm. Web page with details and out programme of events:
The Eric Payne Centre, (off St Faith’s Road), Alcester, B49 6AG. Tel: 01789 765971 for more information or email:
Every Wednesday
Rhyme Time for ages 0-2 at Alcester Library from 10.30 to 11.00 am. Come and join in with rhymes suitable for a child from birth to toddler. At the end of the session, there will be a chance to pick up & borrow a selection of books and to say hello to your fellow participants. We are so happy to welcome you into our Library and we hope you will have lots of fun with us. To guarantee your FREE space, we encourage you to book (one ticket per family group), but drop-ins are welcome subject to space. Please cancel your ticket if you are unable to attend.
Booking link:
The Crafty Lunch Club – A creative and social group where adults with disabilities can attend with carers and have fun! The Eric Payne Centre, (Off St Faith’s Road) 11.30am – 1.30pm. Find us on Facebook.
Well Connected Computer Group – At Alcester Unionist Club from 9:30 to 11:00 am. Come and learn how to stay connected safely on your computer.
Pilates – At St Benedict’s School at 6:15 pm. PILATES exercises is a class aimed to strengthen your core, aiming to improve posture, strength, balance, health, breathing and wellbeing.17 years experience deliver exercise classes including Pilates, back, hips and knee rehabilitation and several GP referral pathways.Participants in need of adaptions and conditions are welcome contact me on 07856 565639 if in doubt. Progression and regressions of all the exercises will be given if needed, complete beginners welcome. Email:
Zumba – At St Benedict’s School at 7:15 pm. Email:
Every Thursday
Alcester Art Group meets every Thursday evening from 7 to 9 pm at Church House, Butter Street. We are a small group who enjoy painting and drawing in all types of media, discussing art and all subjects while sharing our experience of art and life Any age is welcome and you don’t need to have a talent in art; we will help beginners.
Alcester Singers commence rehearsals on Thursday, January 12th for a performance of Handel’sMessiah later in the year. It is a magnificent work that is liked by both singers and audiences. If you have sung before or are a newcomer to choral singing, why not come along to rehearsals and join in the project? We are a friendly choir open to all. We do not require auditions. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7.30 pm in the Hall of the Catholic Church, Priory Road.
IT Help every Thursday from 10:00 am ’til 12:00 noon at Alcester Library. Build your confidence, learn new skills, ask any questions, use a library computer or bring your own device. Please see a member of staff to book your place.
Stagecoach Redditch singing, dance and drama classes for ages 4-18. Established for nearly 20 years in Redditch we are now opening a brand new Thursday class in Alcester at St Benedict’s school. Our first day of term is 12th September. We run early stages (ages 4-6) 4.30-6 and main stages (ages 6-18) 4.45-7.45. Email:
Every Friday
Story Stomp for ages 2-4 at Alcester Library from 10.30 to 11.00 am. For toddlers aged 2-4, we invite you to join us for active rhymes and storybook reading! You are warmly invited to choose some books before you leave. We are so happy to welcome you into our Library and we hope you will have lots of fun with us. Please book a place for each individual attendee, child or adult, except for those under 1. Childminders welcome. To guarantee your space, we encourage you to book, but drop-ins are welcome subject to space.
Booking link:
Craftternoon Tea (for adults) at Alcester Library from 1.30 to 3.30 pm. Come along to Alcester Library 1.30 – 3.30 pm every Friday with your own art or craft projects and enjoy free refreshments and friendly chat. Free, just drop in, no need to book.
More info here:
ALCESTER CAFÉ Supporting people with Dementia and their Carers. 10.30am – 12.30pm. Web page with details and out programme of events:
The Eric Payne Centre, (off St Faith’s Road), Alcester, B49 6AG. Tel: 01789 765971 for more information or email:
Zumba Gold / Keep fit 60+ – At The Catholic Church Hall at 9:30 am Email:
Arthritis, Strength and Balance – At The Catholic Church Hall at 10:15 am. New to Alcester. JOINT EFFORT, participants struggling with arthritis can learn to live a less painful life with the help of a new “Joint Effort” class starting in Alcester. Improve your, strength, balance, health and wellbeing. We will also cover topics like fall prevention and functional activities to maintain promote independence.
Joint Effort is a gentle exercise class which helps participants strengthen and mobilise arthritic joints and is led by a qualified experience instructor, who is there to support, inform, listen and demonstrate ways to improve quality of life. Had Worked in Worcester county for 17 years, and deliver most of the GP referral pathways.
Participants with Hip, knee replacements, fibromyalgia and other conditions are welcome and would also benefit with the pain management sessions. Activities can be performed seated or standing, at your own level, so ideal for all! Email:
Tai Chi and Mindfulness – At The Catholic Church Hall at 11:00 am. NEW to ALCESTER, “Tai Chi and Mindfulness” (Qigong)… learn how to breathe more effectively and the implications this has for health and wellbeing. The class aims on improving general health, Strength, Balance and to support others with different conditions to help regulate mind and body. Class can be performed seated or standing. Email: