The Alcester/Bidford Community Forum meets 3 or 4 times a year in venues across the area, which covers the wards Alcester & Rural, Alcester Town, Bidford East, Bidford West & Salford, Kinwarton and Welford-on-Avon. The Forum is chaired by District Cllr. Daren Pemberton. Steve M Smith is the County Council’s senior officer representation, and Dave Webb is the District Councils Senior Officer representative. Alison Mainey supports this forum on behalf of Stratford Area Team.
An informal “drop-in” surgery is always held for the half hour before the forum where you can speak to officers from your local Safer Neighbourhood Team, Councillors and Officers from Warwickshire County and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils to raise specific concerns or problems. Additionally, representatives from NHS Warwickshire and VASA (Voluntary Stratford-on-Avon) regularly attend forums, keeping it updated with all current developments. Everyone is welcome to come along – it is your chance to find out what is really going on in your community.